Hemp Cigarettes: The Comprehensive Guide

A person’s introduction to the world of hemp cigarettes differs—vastly. Some might want to quit smoking tobacco but still need something that carries a cigarette’s intense aromatics and iconic experience. These people have typically tried other nicotine alternatives that don’t satisfy their desires and just leave them hooked to a new vice. They often miss that smell of smoke and the feeling of flicking ash into twilight’s wind.

Or, some might want a more satisfying alternative to traditional CBD products like vapes, gummies, and tinctures. Sure, these popular products offer CBD’s potential therapeutic benefits, but their methods of doing so feel lackluster.

If one of these scenarios sounds like you, it’s no wonder you stumbled across this comprehensive user’s guide to hemp cigarettes.

Hemp cigarettes, also called hempettes, are a new way to relish a classic CBD experience, one that just requires a lighter and the open air. But, as CBD cigarettes are new to the wild world of weed, you might have questions about how to find quality hempettes. Well, don’t worry; as hemp experts, we’ve put together a comprehensive guide to steer a responsible procurer of the ganja to the Smoker’s Only lounge, giving them the knowledge and know-how to arrive in style.

What Are Hemp Cigarettes?

First off, what exactly are hemp cigarettes, and why should you care?

Unlike joints, spliffs, and blunts, hemp cigarettes carry non-psychoactive CBD flower, expertly rolled in cigarette paper. Most brands place a filter on one end, giving users the freshest, cleanest drags possible.

Next, why should you care? We all know the adverse health conditions associated with tobacco smoking—diabetes, heart disease, lung cancer, chronic bronchitis, and the list goes on and on and on. So, because hemp cigarettes from industry-trusted brands don’t have any toxic additives, switching from tobacco to hemp can improve overall health. Also, hemp cigarettes don’t carry addictive chemicals like nicotine, so the tobacco smoker isn’t scrapping one vice for another.

How To Use A Hemp Cigarette

So, how does one use a hemp cigarette?

You, an experienced smoker, might gawk at this question. “Just light up and smoke it, nerd!” Alright, alright, simmer down; this is a comprehensive guide for all users, no matter their experience level. No one’s a “nerd” here.

Knowing how to use a hemp cigarette is key to thoroughly enjoying all that this product has to offer. So, first, we’re going to look at how to find the right hempette for you.

Find The Best CBD Cigarette For You

Because of the recent lunar rise of the hemp market, some companies and brands are chomping at the bit to carve out their piece of the pie—unfortunately, churning out unreliable and untested products. These companies like to cut corners in their cultivation process by adding toxic additives or harmful chemicals to stretch their supply, sweetening their bottom line. After all, the market is so new that regulatory bodies have yet to establish themselves, leaving brands and companies to adhere to the honor system.

Kids don’t even follow the honor system; do you think companies will?

So, how do you find an ethical, trusted source for hemp cigarettes? All the brands CBD.co offers are industry titans and proven leaders in the hemp space, supplying users with excellent products for the past few years.

After you’ve selected your brand, choose what type of hemp cigarette you want. Like tobacco cigarettes, CBD cigarettes come in either an original flavor or menthol. Some companies even have fruity flavors to choose from, fully satisfying any smoker’s tastebuds.


The next step may seem simple, but it has an almost ritualistic step-by-step process that’s enchanting to follow, and even more magical to repeat. When you have your box of hemp cigarettes in hand, turn it upside down, and give the bottom of the box a good tap. This will help re-pack any hemp that’s loosened during shipping.

After smacking the pack’s bottom, unwrap the plastic and remove the foil insert. Pop out one hempette, park it between your lips, light the opposite end with a lighter, and just puff the first drag, don’t inhale. You don’t want to inhale any of the solvents that may be in your lighter’s flame.

Once it’s lit, the hempette is ready to smoke! Take a couple of drags and ash responsibly. When the flame has reached the filter, extinguish the butt safely and discard it in a designated container or trash bin. Please, don’t litter!

Why Choose A Hemp Cigarette

Inside every hemp cigarette is premier CBD flower. For those who don’t know, CBD is one of the main two cannabinoids of the cannabis plant. However, CBD is more abundant in hemp plants than other cannabis plants like marijuana. Unlike THC, the other most abundant cannabinoid in cannabis, CBD is non-psychoactive.

When you choose hemp cigarettes, you pick a healthier, non-addictive, non-intoxicating alternative to tobacco and standard cannabis. Also, smoking hemp cigarettes is just a delightful, fun time.

Where To Find The Best Hemp Cigarettes

Now that you know what they are, what they do, and why you need them, where do you find the best hemp cigarettes on the market?

At CBD.co, we’re proud to offer the best-tasting and highest-quality CBD cigarettes in the industry. So, just search for hemp cigarettes or read this timely blog that answers different questions and expands your knowledge of all things regarding hemp cigarettes!