3 Air Factory CBD Tincture Flavors That Will Blow Your Mind

We all know Air Factory CBD as a producer of some of the finest CBD vape products on the planet, but did you know that they also make incredible CBD oil tinctures? Air Factory CBD has made their way to the top of the CBD food-chain by way of intense dedication to their products and customers. By maintaining an incredibly high standard of quality throughout the entirety of their diverse product line, Air Factory has been able to provide both a varied and truly premium set of CBD offerings.

One of the most popular ways for customers to enjoy the myriad of unique compounds present in hemp extract oil is by way of a CBD oil tincture. This is one of the oldest, most practiced and most effective ways to use CBD. Tinctures allow hemp extract’s various compounds to remain bioavailable to your body for a substantially longer period of time than other methods of utilizing CBD.

While some people love the earthy taste of unflavored hemp extract oil, some feel that their overall experience is even more enjoyable when there are additional flavors present. Air Factory CBD leans more towards the side of those who enjoy a bit of an enhancement to the natural taste of hemp oil, which is why they’ve formulated some incredibly flavorful, CBD-rich oil tinctures for all CBD aficionados to enjoy. Though all the flavors offered by Air Factory CBD oil are astoundingly tasty, we narrowed it down to three incredible Air Factory flavors that we think every CBD enthusiast should try!


To fully appreciate how truly wonderful these Air Factory CBD tinctures are, we must first appreciate what has gone into their creation. The efforts applied to the production of these tinctures is nothing short of impressive, and we commend Air Factory’s commitment to quality products and quality ingredients. To ensure that their customers are getting the absolute best CBD possible, Air Factory sources ethically grown hemp from highly qualified farmers.

By utilizing high-end proprietary extraction methods, this company is able to produce some of the purest, most effective hemp extract oil on the market. We appreciate that Air Factory uses safe flavoring ingredients such as natural extracts and oils, and we’re also continually impressed by the rich – yet not overwhelming – taste of their CBD oils.

#1. Melon Lush

There’s pretty much nothing more refreshing than cutting open a juicy melon on a hot summer’s day. The way the juices spill from the ripe melon as the knife punctures its plump, firm skin is an image that is nothing less than mouth-watering. Be it a summer’s day or a cold winter’s eve, a ripe melon is always an appreciated treat. With the Melon Lush CBD Oil Tincture from Air Factory CBD, you can carry that delicious, refreshing flavor of melon with you in your pocket and enjoy high-quality CBD just about anywhere.

#2. Berry Rush

If ripe, juicy berries are the flavor that makes your heart sing, then Air Factory CBD has a real treat in store for you. The Berry Rush Oil Tincture from Air Factory CBD is one of our customers’ favorite CBD tincture products, and it’s another great way to get your CBD on the go. There is something special about berries; not only are they extremely refreshing, but it’s almost as if our bodies immediately perk up when interacting with them. Have you ever been exhausted and then enjoyed a few fresh berries? It is a fantastic way to boost your daily routine and ensure that you meet your wellness goals. Take a moment to provide yourself a boost with a refreshingly delicious blend of sweet, juicy berries and 30ml of premium broad spectrum CBD.

#3. Blue Razz

Do you remember walking down to the store to get a cool, refreshing slushy? The straws with spoon-tips, laughing about brain freezes, and thinking your blue tongue was the best thing you had ever seen? Well, as an adult walking around with a blue tongue is not as desirable, and going about our busy days with a brain freeze only makes our responsibilities less fulfillable. Air Factory CBD has taken these things into consideration and formulated the perfect experience for CBD-loving adults who miss the days of Blue Razz. This delicious flavor is by far their most popular, and one that we know you are going to love!

Air Factory at CBD.co

We carry all of these Delicious Air Factory CBD flavors and more. If you are looking for the largest selection of products at the best prices, then look no further; you’ve found it right here at CBD.co!