Using Genetics To Determine The Best CBD Form Factors For You

With the proliferation of CBD products available to consumers, one of the best ways to narrow the selection and curb analysis paralysis is a decision based on form factor. The term “form factor” is used to reference the various ways in which CBD can be delivered to a consumer and typically includes CBD edibles, tinctures, topicals, and vape pens. People usually use their personal preference to choose their form factor, weighing in on what’s most convenient, discreet, comfortable or readily available for the occasion.

However, CBD users can begin to rely on genetic insights over personal preference to make a form factor decision. That’s right; someone’s genes can play a significant role in how effective a CBD product is for their body.

Why CBD users should consider their genes

Genetic variations within someone’s DNA can inform the type of form factor people should use if they want CBD products that interact well with their bodies.

Let’s take a simple, but important, example. Before the CBD contained within a CBD product can interact with your endocannabinoid system, it must first get into your bloodstream. By swallowing a CBD edible or CBD oil, you metabolize the product and begin the process of breaking down CBD as it moves through your liver and bloodstream. The CYP2C19 gene codes for a specific enzyme that breaks down CBD. Variants of these genes can decrease the enzyme’s effectiveness, making it increasingly difficult for a person with the gene variants to break down CBD. If someone has a specific variant on the CYP2C19 gene, then edibles may not be the best choice for that individual.

Edibles require a cycle through first-pass metabolism in the liver, which is where the ineffective enzyme resides. Since CBD is fat-soluble, if someone ingests CBD oil and they have genes that lead to slow metabolism, that CBD could theoretically accumulate in the liver and create interactions with other substances that the person is using. This is especially true if those other substances are fat-soluble medications, which could increase the possibility of adverse effects or even lead to fatty liver cirrhosis. The opposite case can also be true; if someone has an ultra-fast CBD metabolism, edibles may be inefficient as a delivery mechanism for the right amount of CBD. There simply wouldn’t be enough CBD available to the body after being broken down so rapidly.

Different Form Factors Of CBD

#1. Inhalation-based CBD

Inhalation-based forms of CBD typically have the most rapid uptake in the user’s system.

#2. CBD Edibles

In scenarios where CBD users need longer-term availability, edibles are encouraged due to the longer amount of time that CBD can remain available.

#3. CBD Topicals

The use of inhalation-based form factors doesn’t usually last for long periods of time, and they don’t target specific areas of the body, whereas topicals can be applied wherever needed.

CBD topicals also have an added benefit of lasting for hours, which can help anyone seeking to apply CBD in the morning and having it last throughout the day.

#4. No CBD at all

There are some instances where CBD use is not appropriate or helpful at all, regardless of its form factor.

As always, it’s important to remember that if users are utilizing different CBD form factors throughout the day, they should figure out a serving size that allows them to avoid consuming what they’d consider to be too much CBD per day. A CBD serving calculator could be exponentially helpful here!

Genetics play a role in the effectiveness of CBD

Genes and genetic predispositions play a crucial role in determining how capable a person’s body is at breaking down certain cannabinoids and which CBD form factors will work best. The CBD industry is still growing, so it’ll take time for people to start using their genetics to inform their CBD decisions.