Pre Rolled Cones

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Why Buy Pre-Rolled Cones at

Shopping for the right pre rolled cones can get a little tricky, especially if you’re not quite sure what you’re looking for. There are many options to choose from. In the past few years, a number of brands have debuted new rolling papers, cones, and hemp wraps—all the necessary accouterment for a successful smoke sesh. But with all these available options, you might not know which one is best for you. Here, we’ll show you how to use pre rolled cones, which ones to look for, and popular ways to include them into your smoking routine.

Shopping from us gives you access to:

1. A Premium Selection

If you’ve enjoyed pre rolled paper cones before, you’ll know that their quality is essential to a successful smoke sesh. Nothing’s worse than a cone ripping after you light up. So, shopping from top-tier, high-quality brands is important. That’s why, at, we carry a wide selection of paper cones from different trustworthy, reputable brands like TRĒ House, Zig Zag, and more.

2. Side-by-Side Comparison

Many important product details come into play when shopping for pre rolled cones, like price, type of paper, manufacturing process, thickness, and more. But when browsing a brand’s site, you can only see what that brand offers. You can’t compare their cones to another company’s in real-time. However, at, we make it easy to see how one brand stacks up next to another, showing you product details side-by-side, so you can make a better-informed purchasing decision. 

3. All Your Smoking Necessities 

We already know that pre rolled cones aren’t the only thing on your list. You might also need rolling papers, hemp wraps, grinders, trays, and many other smoking accessories. We’ve got you covered. Shop our extensive collection of smoking essentials to find everything you need for a successful sesh. 

Top-Selling Brands for Pre-Rolled Cones

When shopping for pre rolled cones, finding the right brand is always best. This’ll help you narrow down your search. Whether you’re new to cones or an experienced user, we steer everyone to two notable brands: TRĒ House and Zig Zag. 

TRĒ House

You might recognize TRĒ House for their vapes, gummies, syrups, carts, and magic mushroom products. But recently, this popular alternative cannabinoid brand has ventured into producing high-quality, slow-burning rolling papers and cones. TRĒ House manufactures their papers in France, which has long been seen as the Mecca for rolling papers since the late 1800s. They make their cones using ultra-thin or unbleached paper, and they come in either a small Shortys size, 1 ¼ standard size, or a bigger, King Size. 

Their collection of cones includes:

Zig Zag

Zig Zag is perhaps one of the oldest rolling paper brands in the world, opening shop over a hundred and forty years ago. Their selection of rolling papers includes various-sized papers and natural fibers. Their cones include:

Product Data

Here’s a breakdown to help you compare different factors from these brands.

Brand Types of Pre Rolled Cones $ per Cone
TRĒ House Ultra-Thin, Unbleached, Shortys, 1 ¼ size, King Size Starting at $0.29
Zig Zag Ultra-Thin, Unbleached, 1 ¼ size, King Size, Hemp, Palm Starting at $0.29

What Are Pre-Rolled Cones?

With all this in mind, you still might not know what a pre rolled cone is—or how to enjoy them. Over the past few years, many adults have become more conscious about what (and how) they smoke, choosing to use accessories like cones and rolling papers to customize their experience. Think of pre rolled cones as a ready-to-fill tube with a filter on one end. All you have to do is fill it with your desired smoking content, twist the loose paper on top, and enjoy.

How to Use Pre-Rolled Cones

The first step when using a pre rolled cone is to grind up your preferred CBD flower. Next, you’ll need to ready your cone. Many companies (including the ones we detailed above) include a packing straw with their cones. These straws help you gently pack ground flower into your cone. When you tamp down your flower with the packing straw, make sure it’s not too tight—you still want air to blow through it. Pack your ground flower gently, careful not to rip the paper’s lining. Once you’ve almost packed to the top of the cone, twist the top. This’ll help keep the cone closed.

Then, light the cone and enjoy! If it’s hard to inhale through the cone, you probably packed it too tight. You can massage the paper on the outside to create space between the flower. This’ll help more air to pass through when you inhale. 

Pros & Cons of Rolled Cones

Compared to other smoking accessories, cones bring their own list of benefits to any smoke sesh—with only a couple cons. Knowing these beforehand can help you make a more informed purchase.


  • Easier than rolling papers
  • Slow-burning
  • Wide range of options
  • Quick packing process


  • Less control over size and shape

Cones vs. Rolling Papers vs. Hemp Wraps

Compared to cones, there are two other types of popular smoking accessories for rolling your own hemp cigarettes: rolling papers and hemp wraps. First, rolling papers (also called blanks) are thin yet durable sheets of cigarette paper. These let you form your ideal roll. Brands use these when crafting cones, forming and attaching them to a smoking filter. Rolling papers require a more hands-on approach and a little more practice than cones.

Second, hemp wraps are thicker than rolling papers and made from natural hemp fibers. These wraps mirror your traditional blunt papers but aren’t made from tobacco leaves. These wraps are durable and robust, providing a reasonably smoky experience. Companies add various flavors to their wraps, like mango, strawberry, and grape, masking hemp’s wild skunky fragrance. 

What About Pre Rolled Joints?

Now, what about pre rolls? You might’ve heard of these before. These are pre rolled joints made with high-quality hemp and slow-burning rolling paper. These are stuffed with different types of hemp-based flowers, often containing CBD or alternative cannabinoids like delta 8 and HHC. These let you skip the rolling stage entirely and light up as soon as you open the packaging. 

Many rollers prefer pre rolled joints or CBD cigarettes when they’re in a hurry or want to take a joint on the go. Shop our full selection of prerolled joints—we carry many made by TRĒ House, Wild Hemp, and more!

Find Your Hemp-Based Favorites at!

While smoking hemp flower might be your preferred method of enjoying this classic plant, there are many other options to choose from. We also carry a wide range of THC gummies, THC vape pens, THC carts, and THC syrups. For a less euphoric, more therapeutic experience, check out our collection of CBD gummies, CBD vapes, and CBD edibles

Shop our collection of pre rolled cones and save 15% on orders $45+ with code CBDCO15!

Frequently Asked Questions

What are pre roll cones?

Pre-rolled cones are pre-shaped cigarettes that let you stuff your preferred smoking contents. Cones are easier to use than rolling papers and hemp wraps, letting you get through the rolling stage faster.

Where to buy a pre-rolled cone?

While many smoke shops carry pre rolled cones, they’re often out of stock or don’t carry your preferred cones. At, you can shop for a number of high-quality brands from the comfort of your home. Plus, you can get them shipped directly to your door! 

How to use a pre-rolled cone?

To use a cone, first, make sure your bud is ground up. Then, sprinkle the bud into the cone and tamp it down with a thin packing straw. Repeat these steps until the cone is almost filled to the top. During these steps, remember to be gentle. You don’t want to rip the paper. Last, once the cone’s almost filled to the top, twist the loose paper and close the end. Now, it’s ready for your smoky enjoyment!

Who makes good pre-roll cones?

Many brands make cones, but not all brands make high-quality cones. We point all of our customers to brands like TRĒ House and Zig Zag—two companies known for their attention to detail and premium customer experience.

Is a pre-roll cone better than rolling papers?

Cones are ideal if you don’t have experience with rolling papers. But cones might not be the best if you want to make a more custom-sized roll.