Sometimes big industry makes it seem impossible for the average person to accomplish simple things like making their own CBD. If you’ve ever wondered how to grow hemp, we’re here to help!
In this article we’ll explore the ins-and-outs of growing hemp. We’ll teach you everything you need to know to grow hemp from seeds to fully-matured plants so you can enjoy your very own homemade CBD.
Growing your own hemp is incredibly rewarding. This will be especially true if you make the extra effort to process it into CBD. Either way, its a lovely plant that produces
Selecting Seeds
All hemp starts as either a seed or a clone. We recommend starting with seeds so you get the full experience. Cloning plants is easy and once your hemp has grown big and strong, you can consider cloning it.
Choosing the right seeds is important. You’re going to care for this plant for months, and eventually you may want to harvest the fruits of your labor. Do some research to help you figure out which seeds will be the best for you.
Preparing The Growing Area
Once you’ve decided on a strain and have your seeds, its time to prepare the grow area. Your plant can be grown inside under synthetic light or outside with natural light. If you decide to grow outdoors, we recommend starting in a pot instead of the ground. Fill a 5 gallon pot with soil and nutrients.
If you decide to grow indoor, you’ll need to purchase some LED grow lights that are capable of covering the full spectrum of light required by hemp. Both of these options will require you to purchase nutrients and pay close attention in the early phases of life.
Germinating Seeds
The first step in actually growing your plants is to germinate the seeds. This can be accomplished in a number of ways. One of the easiest ways to germinate hemp seeds is to place each seed in a damp paper towel and let it sit in direct sunlight on a windowsill.
You can also place the seeds in the pores of a clean sponge. Dampen the sponge and place it where it will get plenty of direct sunlight.
The germination process can take anywhere from a couple days to a week depending on the strain of hemp and its immediate environment. You’ll know the seed is germinated when you see a baby hemp plant start to sprout.
Planting Your Hemp Babies
You’ll undoubtedly feel your paternal instinct kick in when you see your hemp babies starting to sprout. At this stage you can remove them from the paper towel or sponge and plant them.
Hemp plants this young need very small pots. We highly recommend using an empty egg carton. Fill each section of the carton with nutrient-rich soil. Next, use one finger to dig a small hole in each section of soil. You can then plant your seeds in the soil with the sprouting end facing up.
After a week or so you’ll notice that your plants have started to develop root-systems. Once the root systems are strong and apparent, you can transfer the plants to a 16 ounce cup of soil. Many people use the same plastic cups you might find at a party.
How to Care For Your Hemp Plant
Now that your plants are looking strong and have developed root systems, you can relax a little bit. Lightly water your plants in the morning, or when the top inch of soil feels dry to the touch. Avoid the temptation to overwater your plant as this could lead to root-rot. Make sure the cups your plants are in have holes in the bottom and drain properly.
After a few weeks of growing in cups your plants will need a larger home. When the hemp has outgrown its comfy home it’s finally time to transplant it to the large pot you prepared in the beginning.
When transferring your plant; put your hand over the cup it is in, allowing the plant to rest between your fingers. Next, gently turn the cup upsidedown and allow the soil and the plant to fall from the cup and into your hand. Do not remove the soil from the root system and plant the whole thing as one in the larger pot.
When to Harvest
Different strains of hemp grow at different rates. The average time for a hemp plant to reach full maturity is about 4 months. When your plant looks full and healthy, and its been about 4 months, its time to harvest.
Cut the plant at the base of its trunk. Next, hang it upside down in a temperature and humidity controller room. Allow the hemp to dry appropriately before processing it into CBD.
Finally, pat yourself on the back for growing your own hemp!
If growing your own hemp seems like too much hassle,
check out our incredible selection of CBD Oil!