In a commercial landscape that’s crowded with solid, cost-effective options for recreational cannabidiol, Blue Moon Hemp has quietly become one of the most reliable purveyors of CBD currently on the market. One of our favorite products of theirs is the Blue Moon patented eBlunt. This nifty device comes in three distinct and remarkable flavors, and has been designed for optimal efficacy and enjoyment. If we’re being honest, this eBlunt has become one of our favorite items from the recent wave of CBD vape products.
“But hold on,” we can hear you saying. “The world is full of awesome, top-shelf CBD vape products. What makes the Blue Moon Hemp vape eBlunt a must-have?”
We’re glad you asked. There’s a lot to love about Blue Moon Hemp’s proprietary CBD, from the high quality of their in-house cannabidiol and the assorted goods that they manufacture to just how affordable and easy to use all of their products are. This is a company with a growing number of satisfied customers and supporters, but this particular article is intended for those who aren’t hip to the Blue Moon Hemp vibe yet. This company’s eBlunts are an excellent example of what makes them an indispensable player in the modern CBD landscape.
We could probably think of many more, but here are four BIG reasons why you should be checking out Blue Moon Hemp’s eBlunt products.
1. You Get The Kush Flavor, Without The Kush High
Blue Moon Hemp’s “Kush”-powered eBlunts are specifically designed to taste like the widely beloved THC strain that they are named after. The flavor profile that this particular product summons has notes of diesel, citrus, and piney, minty cannabis goodness; quite simply, the essence of Kush, re-defined.
That said, these eBlunts won’t leave you with any kind of dizzying/unnecessary buzz or high. These portable handheld devices are comprised of 42% cannabidiol, which possesses absolutely no psychoactive properties. In other words, you’ll still get that same indelible kush taste that you crave, but you won’t feel groggy, dazed, or lethargic afterwards. The eBlunts also offer a smooth puff and a relaxing, refreshing finish.
2. A Wide Variety of Tastes
Blue Hemp CBD eBlunts come in a trio of scintillating flavors: Flan, Red Devil, and Pure Kush.
The Kush flavor is fairly self-explanatory: it’s for people who desire the actual taste of Kush, without any unwanted or superfluous added flavors. This one’s for the no-frills CBD lover in your life… or, potentially, for you!
The Flan eBlunt flavor is the sweetest; flush with the essence of rich, exotic Madagascar vanilla beans, plus notes of crème brûlée and heavenly caramel. It’s the taste of a buttery, delightful indulgence that will sate both your CBD craving and your sweet tooth at the same time.
Blue Moon’s Red Devil flavor is one of the company’s most popular offerings, and for good reason. It’s a complex and robust cocktail of various fruit flavors: a sunny tropical amalgam of guava, pineapple, mango, tangerine, and other scrumptious island-lite tastes. This eBlunt is so sinfully good, you’ll swear that the Devil made you buy it.
3. “Discretion Is The Perfection Of Reason”
One big factor that we haven’t mentioned yet that plays into the appeal of these eBlunts is that they’re disposable. That’s right: there’s no need to constantly be charging these babies, and no need to use drop-toppers to manually add e-juice anytime you get low. Blue Moon’s eBlunt devices are pre-loaded and ready to rock n’ roll, and they never suffer from technological bugs or product-based defects. Blue Moon Hemp prides itself on offering its customers the smooth, uncomplicated CBD vaping pleasure that they desire.
You can probably tell this from looking at the product design on Blue Moon Hemp’s page, but these eBlunts are also totally discreet and can be carried in someone’s pocket, purse, or handbag. It’s ideal for use at home, in between work shifts, on the go, or after a hike or gym session. Wherever and whenever your desire for an eBlunt strikes, Blue Moon Hemp has got you taken care of!
4. It’s Affordable!
What’s that? These lab-tested, 100% effective CBD eBlunts are only twenty dollars apiece? Surely there must be a catch.
There isn’t. Blue Moon Hemp knows that authentic, high-quality cannabidiol should be accessible to everyone – and therefore, it shouldn’t be unreasonably expensive.
If $20 still sounds somewhat steep for you, consider the value of picking up a six-pack for $119.99. This bundle allows you to get more bang for your buck, and the value is nothing to scoff at.
Well, we could probably go on, but those four reasons should be enough for you to give Blue Moon Hemp a try. These eBlunts are tasty and relaxing, won’t put a dent in your wallet, and can be used anywhere. In a CBD landscape that’s crowded with products for all different kinds of users, it’s of the utmost importance that you seek out a line or brand that’s right for you, as well as supporting modestly-scaled businesses that are still working on building out their customer base.
Give Blue Moon Hemp’s CBD eBlunts a spin, and Happy New Years to all of you!