Does CBD Get You High?

People love CBD for the multitude of benefits they experience when using it. Some people use CBD to combat sleeplessness, others use it to help with minor aches and pains, and many people use it simply to stay on top of their general wellness.** CBD has undoubtedly done a lot of good for a lot of people, but does CBD get you high?

One of the things many beginners worry about is whether CBD will get them high or not. For experienced users, this is a question that has long been answered and is one of the many things that’s so appealing about CBD. That being said, it’s completely understandable that someone who is just getting started with CBD would want to know. Cannabis is related to Marijuana and Marijuana is notorious for its psychoactive properties. It’s no wonder that new users wonder if CBD will get them high or not! If you, like many beginners, are curious as to whether or not CBD will get you high, then you’ve come to the right place! In this article we’ll take an in-depth look at the world of CBD. We’ll tell you everything you need to know about the effects of CBD, where it comes from, and answer the question; “Will CBD get you high?”. Whether you’re a seasoned CBD expert or just getting started, you’re in good hands at!

What is CBD?

CBD is incredibly popular, but a surprising number of people don’t quite understand what it is. Cannabis products were prohibited in the U.S. for nearly one hundred years, so it’s no surprise that some people aren’t particularly well educated on the subject. In 2018, CBD was federally legalized by the Farm Bill. Since it’s legalization, countless studies have been implemented and we are quickly discovering more about these fascinating plants and the powerful compounds they contain.

Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of over 100 known cannabinoids that exist in the cannabis plant. Each of these compounds has their own unique properties and effect the human body in different ways. THC is probably the best known of all the cannabinoids and has become famous through the use of Marijuana. Cannabis Indica (Marijuana) has a particularly high concentration of THC and is known for getting users “high”. This feeling of being “high” is due to the fact that THC is highly psychoactive. One of the many things that people love about CBD is that it is completely non-psychoactive and allows people the ability to enjoy all of the benefits that cannabis has to offer without experiencing any of the hazy side-effects.

Where Does CBD Come From?

Cannabidiol is still very much a mystery to some people and one of the most frequently asked questions is “Where does CBD come from?”. Well, if you are interested in getting started with CBD but have your reservations because you don’t know what it is or where it comes from, we’re more than happy to help.

CBD comes from industrial-grade hemp plants. Some people assume that because CBD is a cannabis product that it must come from Marijuana. While this is sometimes true, it is extremely rare for CBD manufacturers to use Marijuana as their source. Marijuana has very high concentrations of THC which make it highly psychoactive. The federal government requires that all CBD products contain less than 0.3% THC. This means that if manufacturers extract CBD from Marijuana that they must also isolate the CBD from the THC with additional processing. Instead of adding extra steps to the manufacturing process, the vast majority of brands opt to extract their CBD from industrial-grade hemp that contains less than 0.3% THC.

Understanding Extraction Processes

There are a multitude of different ways to extract CBD from raw hemp, but not all methods produce the same quality results. This is a point in the manufacturing process that really separates the quality brands from those that you might want to avoid. Some companies utilize chemicals like ethanol or butane to extract CBD. Unfortunately, this can leave unwanted chemical residue in the resulting extract oil.

While CBD extracted with butane and ethanol are widely considered safe for use, CO2 extractions are generally regarded as the best. This method is particularly adept at capturing all of the valuable cannabinoids in hemp and doesn’t leave behind any questionable residue. If you want the best possible CBD, look for products that were CO2 extracted.

The Difference Between CBD and THC

There are many differences and similarities between CBD and THC, but the most notable of all is that CBD does not get you “high”. CBD has many wonderful benefits and you get to enjoy all of them without dealing with any of the hazy side-effects commonly experienced with THC. If you’re looking for a natural way to stay on top of your health and wellness, CBD is a fantastic option!**

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